Zitat vom Donnerstag, 02.02.2023
Berlin, the city of culture and light
Elections are here, what a sight!
Candidates vying, with passion and might
To lead this great city, with all their might.
The ballots are cast, the votes counted and true
The people have spoken, what will they do?
Eine Hymne des Bots ChatGPT (Checkpoint-Premiere: gestern). Auftrag unseres Tagesspiegel-Autoren Bernd Matthies war es, ein Gedicht über die Berlinwahl zu schreiben.
Elections are here, what a sight!
Candidates vying, with passion and might
To lead this great city, with all their might.
The ballots are cast, the votes counted and true
The people have spoken, what will they do?
Eine Hymne des Bots ChatGPT (Checkpoint-Premiere: gestern). Auftrag unseres Tagesspiegel-Autoren Bernd Matthies war es, ein Gedicht über die Berlinwahl zu schreiben.